Klinghoffer: Adam and Eve and “Mainstream Science”

But I.D. thrives in a conversational context where they are combating a model of nature that has no God.
How does this distinguish Evolutionary Theory from the rest of Science? Isn't Chemistry "a model of nature that has no God"? Isn't Statistics? But I see no Christian chauvinists complaining that we've kicked God out of casinos.

Creationists aren’t complaining about Evolution because its treated differently from other sciences (for all Ken Ham’s huffing and puffing about Operational and Historical sciences), they’re complaining because they want it to be treated differently.

For all Nelson’s complaints about MN’s iniquities, and the DI’s calls for “unfettered” science, the only fields creationists seem to want to unfetter is Evolutionary Biology (for OECs, Evolutionary Biology + Geology for YECs).

And, unfortunately, the well intentioned Atheist participants of this group fall for the bait just about every time.
Speaking for myself, I tend to only 'take the bait', when I see religious participants making claims for their religion (e.g. its morality, veracity, or growth rate) that are unsubstantiated from empirical evidence.

This post was censored by Joshua, because it quoted a meme, prominent in atheist circles, which likens public displays of religion to public genital nudity, that he deemed to be “uncivil.”

I would point out that George’s implied call for atheist self-censorship is arguably equally uncivil, particularly given the prevalence of (frequently unsubstantiated) religious claims on this forum.

I would further point out that there are a well documented number of public religious displays, notably those by the Westboro Baptist Church, Abortion activists, and some of the more extreme street preachers, that would likely be considered by their victims to be more distressing than a little bit of public nudity.

Further addendum: does the meme have a degree of shock value? Yes, but legitimately so. Part of its intention is to point out that public display of religion are frequently, and coerced indoctrination is always, transgressive.