Michael Alter: The Man and His Argument Against the Resurrection

@MJAlter welcome to the conversation. I’m glad you are here.

We have been engaging the argument you have made as presented by @vjtorley and, perhaps, as presented by you here. We are not reviewing your text, but the arguments presented here.

Perhaps the most important question is this one. Is @vjtorley accurately presenting your case and his explanation of it correct? If not, it would be helpful to know what he is missing.

If this summary is approximately correct, it raises many objections among us about the methodology you are using. It reminds of something called a “Gish Gallop” (Gish Gallop - RationalWiki). That is currently where things stand in my mind, so it would be good to know if there was any wrong turns that were made as VJ was presenting your case.

From there, it will make much more sense where things go next. Regardless, thanks for coming here and participating!