Mutation is Biased Towards Fitness

They do seem to indicate life is arranged so as to evolve. Some if this can be explained as robustness to error, and some of it seems like necessary consequence of a rational world. Some of it, however, seems to be around almost exclusively for improving evolvability.

If there are two essentially identical populations, but one can evolve better because it has correctly biased it’s mutations, then the more evolvable poplution has a massive advantage. Even if the non evolvable poplution remains, the evolvable one will be able to extend into new environments and more. Evolvable appears to be a very beneficial trait, so it is not surprising to see it in life that arises by evolution.

This is only a weak anthropic signal if we are speaking from the context of common descent. Is that the context within which you are speaking?

Without common descent, there is much less reason to make life evolvable. If God specially created us, and our form was important to the image of God, he could have kept our form constant be removing our ability to evolve. Doing so would have also likely allow us to live free of cancer, which only exists because these evolabiltiy mechanisms are in our somatic cells too.