On Euthyphro

What are these arguments?

Only if all aspects of the being’s nature are necessary. If a hammer is necessary its color could be anything.

That sound quite a bit like lifting yourself by your bootstraps. How do we understand that the subjective standard points to an objective one? And what do we do if the subjective standard fails to match the objective one?

That doesn’t sound like a change in understanding not of God but of scripture. But OK. Sure, if there was no Flood, there’s no reason to blame God for the genocide.

I think it’s actually a form of Euthyphro. If it’s good because God did it, genocide is good. If it’s not good even though God did it, God is not the objective standard. This is a case in which our pitiful subjective human idea of morality fails to match God’s objective morality. I prefer our pitiful subjective human idea in this case. What about you?

But why should we call that standard “good”?

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