Pain in Childbirth

Vincent - three poiints:
(1) The “childbirth” verse refers to “greatly increased” pain, not pain as a novelty.
(2) I’ve read at least two recent commentaries (the first John Walton’s, with an old earth agenda, but the second purely exegetical) suggesting that the pain involved in better generalised to the whole business of motherhood, not just labour. In practice, was Eve’s (unmentioned) labour pain a fulfilment, or was it the effect of sin in her first son becoming a murderer and exile, and here second son a murder victim?
(3) your idea of two falls seems to me to presuppose a category error imported from Young earth Creationism - that the world before Adam contained no pain and no death. That is (a) a physical impossibility in a “natural” world of the first, perishable, creation and (b) denied by Patristic and later exposition, as dealt with in depth in my book, God’s Good Earth.

If adams before Adam were essentially part of that first creation by nature, then neither death nor pain are a penalty, but in accord with nature. Clearly, if (as you have already suggested Catholic doctrine insists) rationality entails immortality, then my argument does not apply - but then, the tree of life in the garden becomes redundant.