Q&A with Michael Behe: What’s Wrong with Theistic Evolution?

As has been conclusively settled before on this discussion forum, you have been completely unable to determine the actual FI of any biological object. You can’t even ballpark it.

, this cause is invariably an intelligent cause.

This claim is even worse than the previous. The only “intelligent cause” we actually know about is ourselves. Homo sapiens. But we also know that Homo sapiens did not design life. In fact that we could not have designed life. So instead you seem to just make up that there’s some other intelligent designer out there.

But this is not an inference, then, it’s a sort of conjecture. You speculate that there is another designer out there. But this speculation does not even rise to the level of a scientific hypothesis.You have no models of it that explain why you expect (read: predict) anything in particular from this speculative intelligent designer. You wouldn’t even know what to look for. You declare that you expect high FI from it, but this is a blind declaration. There is no model that predicts this.

On the other hand, they also note that purely natural processes do not have the causal power to produce high FI.

If by note, you mean blindly assert, sure. Problem is we have no reason to accept even that statement. As has been discussed around here before numerous times too, it is entirely conceivable that some biological entity, like a protein sequence, which exhibits very high amounts of FI, evolved from some other biological entity that exhibits low FI, but which performed another function. In fact, that is what evidence shows has some times occurred with some fusion proteins such as Prp8 that consists of multiple distinct, transposon-derived domains.

Based on these two observations, they claim that biological objects exhibiting high FI are best explained by an intelligent cause than by purely natural processes. So you see, no speculations here; only observation and sound use of logic.

For reasons just explained, that is simply opposite to demonstrable fact. You have no relevant observations to your speculative intelligent designer, and your logic is unsound.