Reviewing Behe's "Darwin Devolves"

The Question of T-urf13

So, back in August, @Art pointed out the formation of a novel complex protein, T-urf13 (On the evolution of Irreducible Complexity).

The IC Argument is a Strawman Argument

This was also in response to my explanation of how IC has been an inconsistent and ultimately incoherent argument: Which Irreducible Complexity?. I won’t reproduce it here, but the summary is that Behe relies on a strawman in this argument, and also shifts his argument.

A Response from Behe Requested

A ID supporter here forwarded this on to Behe…

Behe’s Response on The IC Strawman

This the responses we got from him.

Behe’s Response on T-Urf13

@Art and @Swamidass’s Response

To which @Art responded (Behe and Hunt: Irreducible Complexity and Numerology - #16 by Argon),

And I wrote…