But there isn’t anything that anyone knows that substantiates Tour’s conclusion. If I’m wrong, please provide that evidence.
Tour is not the only one making these claims.
That we know from chemistry that life should not exist? Perhaps not. But I’m not interested in how many people repeat the claim, I’m interested in the argument and the evidence. Rather than tell me about how accomplished and how many of these people there are, which you are weirdly wasting an inordinate amount of time on, I wonder why you don’t just proceed to the evidence.
The appeal to popularity, and the appeal to authority, are still fallacies.
The next step in the process is to examine the evidence that caused these different scientists to make these claims.
No, that would have been the first step. Rather than blather about utter irrelevancies, just bring the evidence. For the majority of human history it was believed that the Sun was a sentient being, a God, that dove into a tunnel to the underworld to do battle with the forces of darkness, and emerged victorious every morning. The vast majority of humans who have ever lived have believed this. And it’s false.
So, evidence. Got any?
I asked Mikkel if he knew about the the discovery Hoyle made that shook his atheism to the core. Mikkel has no interest in looking at the evidence.
I have no interest in conversion stories and appeals to authority. I’m not here to discuss people’s personal lives, their psychology, or their beliefs. I’m here to speak about arguments and evidence. It’s amazing that you don’t just provide it.
He made some remark about “Hoyle’s howlers” but the discovery he made earned his co-researcher a Nobel Prize.
Holy shirt, really? I feel like I’m about to change my mind… nah, I’m just kidding. I’m going to want to see evidence for the claim that chemistry says life should not exist. Not these irrelevant stories about what prizes they won.
It’s hardly an insignificant discovery in the history of science.
Maybe it’s an amazing discovery. Does it show that chemistry says that life should not exist?
If Mikkel is not interested in looking at the evidence, there’s nothing I can do about it.
You could provide the evidence regardless of what you mistakenly believe about me? By all means, why hold back evidence because you think one person isn’t interested? Perhaps others could benefit? Rather than waste line after line of text on irrelevancies.
It’s amazing how much you want to squeeze the popularity and authority lemon first, rather than just provide this mysterious evidence you’ve hinted at. It makes me suspect the evidence is actually incredibly weak, if not outright nonexistant.