Let’s not drag out a side point unnecessarily, Joshua. Here is what you originally wrote:
Unless you now retract this, you and I are in agreement on the general principle of where the onus lies in scientific hypothesizing.
So if you disagree with me, it must be over my application of that principle, i.e., over one or more of my examples.
So either you think the guy who claims that you can fly by flapping your arms has no onus on him to give a credible account, or you think that origin-of-life theorists who are very confident that life did not need any planning or guidance to arise have no onus on them to give a credible account.
Which is it?
James Tour believes that so far, the origin-of-life theorists have not provided a credible account, so he withholds assent to their conclusions. I’m with him. I think that withholding assent (not declaring their conclusions false, just withholding assent) is exactly what a scientifically minded person would do at this point of progress of origin-of-life research.