Side Comments: Is there really information being conveyed within a cell?

I confess to being utterly unable to understand how you can conclude this. What you are “allowed,” of course, is to conclude that black is white and white black, or any other thing that suits your fancy. But this conclusion of yours is such an obvious non sequitur that one can hardly rebut; one can only gape in astonishment.




“not required” =/= “not involved”

For somebody who has nothing but rhetoric, you sure have a very under-developed understanding of what words mean.


Gilbert I must apologize to you for claiming you are a coward and for ignoring evidence and contradictory information.

It is now clear to me the problem is you can’t even read. Now everyting makes sense. You genuinely toil under a severe challenge of comprehending the written word. Forgive my earlier insults.

Are you taking classes somewhere to help with this? Just curious.


You must remember that English is not Gilbert’s first language. Maybe more extensive tuition in English As Second Language (EASL) could help him.

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@theaz101 said the following:
My claim is that all functional digital information, which requires elements (dots/dashes, bits, nucleobases) of a coding system to be put into functional sequences, requires intelligence to do so.

To which @Puck_Mendelssohn replied the following:
As @Rumraket points out, of course, this is contrary to what we know to be true, so that’s a bit of a problem.
The word « this » in Puck response refers to theaz’s claim, right? So what on earth is wrong when I say that Puck has claimed that saying that systems such as the genetic code require an intelligence is contrary to what we know to be true? Just curious.


These two are not the same:

theas101 is talking about all functional digital information which requires elements of a coding system, such as bits or nucleobases, which by what those words mean can be any functional genetic sequence.

I point out that we have directly observed functional genetic sequences evolve, so as @Puck_Mendelssohn is right to point out, @theaz101’s claim is contrary to what we know to be true.

You then start talking about the translation system (the genetic code is the translation system, of course). Apparently taking that when Puck agrees with me then Puck is claiming—you seem to think—that we have somehow empirically proven that little magical hammers/wands/fingers of Thor, Hermione Granger, or Yahweh, aren’t invisibly pushing the molecules around against their physical tendensies when the translation system evolved.

Which makes me think you can’t read.