Social Exclusion? But We Dialogue With ID

Apart from the obvious response that it’s the IDers that refuse to “inter-locute” (via a combination of not publishing, avoiding review, not correcting errors, not allowing comments and/or banning dissenters) I have a small point to make:

Maynard Smith draws a parallel with the gradual modification of English words through a functional sequence space, where meaning is preserved at each novel spelling, but the end points of the transformed sequence end up strikingly different. A primary school-age child can play the game: start with a word like “tree,” and see where you can go by changing one letter at a time: “tred,” “trod,” “prod,” and so on.


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An alternative spelling of some tenses of “tread”.

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Kiwi spelling?

That’s “alternative” spelling as in “alternative” medicine or “alternative” comedy, right? has an interesting take on “tred”:

Definition of “tred” [tred]

  • A simplified spelling of tread.

Use “tred” in a sentence

  • “I think the Bush Adminstration tred to tighten the rules because of the possibility of the problem of these people not being able to pay for the loans.”
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Are we obliged to “dialogue” or “engage” with homeopaths, astrologers, pet psychics and Q-anon conspiracy mongers?

Start off with a disingenuous strawman attack on “Darwinists” (I suppose all physicists are “Newtonists”), then rant off about the unfairness of unnamed “mainstream” scientists.

Close by running away and refusing to “dialogue” their own arguments about refusals to dialogue.

This is a great way to start up an honest, open discussion.


OED actually. :face_with_monocle:

Nope. It’s just one of those words that the spelling never quite seems to fully settle down.

Definitely not - it’d be in SOWPODS if it were.

Unless by Kiwi you mean a large slow ungainly creature, in which case maybe…

By, for example, posting the context of mined quotes cited by the moderator. Some places are even more trigger-happy.

But you may not be aware of the extent IDers/creationists will go to protect themselves from criticism.

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I readily admit that I have failed to compile a full and exhaustive list of all the iniquities and stupidities that have been committed in the defense of ID – life is too short. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do I have to hand in my Official ID Watcher™ Hat? :sob:


Here is a link to the specific incident that illustrates how Institute for Creation Research manages their user forums

Much of the thread consists of angry rants. I understand the anger, but I feel no need to imbibe it.


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Interesting you should credit the Skeptical Zone, which was set up by neuroscientist Dr Elizabeth Liddle mainly to sidestep the heavy-handed moderation at Uncommon Descent and allow dialogue with ID advocates from UD to continue after she was banned at UD. She withdrew from participation at TSZ several years ago but it ticks over still, albeit at a much reduced level of activity.

Internet sites need their star performer. Uncommon Descent faded into irrelevance when Bill Dembski sold it. Peaceful Science is not as buzzy as I remember which may be connected to Joshua’s reduced participation.

ETA @Michael_Okoko

My comments go into pre-moderation in this thread. It’s very off-putting, especially as there is no indication, prior to posting, whether my comments will be held. I’ve mentioned it enough times but I’m giving up. Thanks for all the fish. :slight_smile:


You want to see activity? Create a thread on genetic entropy and stir the hornet’s nest by tagging our favorite creationists here :wink:

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There is an indication, actually.

If the heading says “conversation”, then posts go into moderation. If the heading says “side conversation”, they are posted immediately.

Or, at least, that’s my experience.


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