Stated Casually: Interview with a Christian Origin of Life Researcher

@Michael_Okoko this is the video I was referring to. I had actually watched the first half hour but don’t remember what it was about. If you watch it, definitely increase the speed, they talk slowly.

@Mercer does this qualify as not hearsay?

Here’s what my ears perked up on, based on my worldview:

these are just approximate time stamps:
50:00 Jon: James Tour “is in a mindset that if origin of life can happen naturally, then his faith is doomed. He doesn’t say that if you ask him” He references persecution against Christians in science and says that it does happen…then uses the words “obnoxious,” “distracting,” “bitterness” to describe Tour. I think that counts as persecution Jon :wink: He also praises him a bunch.

around 1:18:00 - 1:22:00
“A huge gap”…“we have no idea how big it is”
It’s not simple to find something simple - it’s either complex or dead ends

“there’s a lot of explaining to do”
they talk about right-handed and left-handedness.

(I’d heard Tour use the word chiral but I didn’t know what it meant. That’s what makes science so fun! Are there other “handed” things in nature besides standard model particles, molecules and people? I’d love to know if anyone knows of others). This seems like an obvious ID argument. Not trying to make one - it’s just interesting to me.

RNA won’t last in test tubes because there’s life everywhere…

“why would biology pick amino acids to form proteins” :joy: Jay invokes a design argument by accident I guess

1:41 on
They talk about faith and science. Even though I disagree with him on evolution (he says it’s so clear based on genetic testing) I actually really, really liked his answer here.