Yes, he’s saying historians agree on population growth throughout known history. That population growth creates a specific curve.
Then he’s saying he used his y-chromosome mutation rate to create a family tree, and then takes all of the males from the family tree to estimate population growth throughout history.
That was intensely painful. Jeanson is making up facts and fitting other made-up facts to them. It also has nothing to do with mutation rates. You understand that Jeanson’s force-fitting of the Y-chromosome tree to his model means that many human populations diverged from each other after 1500, right? But he doesn’t talk about the simple departure of that part of the data from reality. Further, he claims that it’s universally agreed that the population curve fits what he shows, but he shows a world population of only a few million in 1000 BC, and nobody agrees with that.
Perhaps most importantly, his initial assumption is wrong: the Y-chromosome tree doesn’t track population size. You would get a similar tree even if the population hadn’t changed at all in thousands of years. Jeanson seems completely unaware of coalescence theory, which you should look up.
He does say in the video it’s useless for evolution because it’s too small of a timescale, yeah. Otherwise, idk what’s the problem is but feel free to enlighten me
It doesn’t even make sense from within YEC. There is no way even other YEC scientists (e.g. Sanford, Wood, Carter) are going to agree with this analysis. It is just too way out there.
No, that’s not the problem. Even if you assume that the root of the human tree is much shallower than we think, i.e. even if you assume YEC, his method does not work. This shows Jeanson to be comically inept, even in his own terms. You desperately need to find a new hero.
Look at Todd Wood @thoughtful. He is a YEC. We have our disagreements with him, but his competence is much higher as is his integrity. He is worth your time:
Rather they will be very quiet about it. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. If Jeanson were on to something, however, that would not be the case. They would be trumpeting it. The silence in this case is damning.
Silly population geneticists wasting their time developing tools like PSMC and ABC - if only Jeanson could have told them all years ago that all they have to do is count the number of branches in a phylogeny to estimate population sizes through time!
I’m fixin’ to do some fairly complex (to me) demographic inference using in the relatively near future. I think I may just use Jeanson’s method instead. I’m sure my committee will be cool with it…