I am not suggesting that claiming fish eventually produced dogs is irrational or inconceivable. The part that makes it extraordinary is that there is no independent evidence for it.
Evidence of common designer:
We put forward a number of new insights including the surprising one that the structure of quantum field theory, which we introduced in our modeling scheme in Aerts (2007b), plays an essential role. This allowed us to propose a specific hypothesis about the structure of human thought, viz. the hypothesis that we can identify within human thought a superposition of two layers whose structure follows from our quantum-based model of a large set of experimental data on the combination of concepts (Hampton, 1988a, Hampton, 1988b). The layered structure of human thought is directly related to the quantum field structure of our scheme, more specifically to the use of Fock space in our modeling of these data (Aerts, 2007a, Aerts, 2007b). We will illustrate these findings by working out in detail a relatively simple and concrete mathematical quantum model for this large collection of experimental data of Hampton, 1988a, Hampton, 1988b.
Evidence of common design:
"Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) enables organisms to acquire pre-existing adaptive characters from other organisms, regardless of phylogenetic distance. Thus, instead of genetic traits within lineages always emerging gradually through successive mutations and selection, evolution is accelerated as a parallel process, where inventions made in different lineages can come together in a single cell through HGT.
…In addition to sharing metabolic capabilities between unrelated organisms, HGT also plays an important role in creating new functional roles for existing proteins by assembling new metabolic pathways.
…HGT depends upon the universality of the genetic code. Every known organism uses the same twenty amino acids (the infrequent usage of an additional two, selenocysteine and pyrrolysine, notwithstanding), and with few exceptions these are decoded by tRNA in the same way… The presence of HGT early in the evolution of life before the time of LUCA is also supported by the optimality of the genetic code itself, which likely depended upon extensive HGT to become established [30].
Ancient horizontal gene transfer and the last common ancestors | BMC Ecology and Evolution | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)
I am not trying to debunk Darwin’s theory. I am trying to show how Owen’s theory is a better explanation.
If that were the case, he would have done the same thing for Bill’s argument and he did not:
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