The Argument Clinic

We were talking about the claims made by ID and creationism.[1] These are far more akin to attributes of mammals than they are to mammals, which would be analogous to creationists.

ID : attributes of vertebrates :: creationism : attributes of mammals
IDers : vertebrates :: creationists : mammals.

If you had been paying attention, you might have noticed that it was @Giltil that introduced “attributes”, so address your complaints at him, not me.

If you had been paying attention, you might have noticed that I have already said that ID is more generic. The reasons that ID is a form of creationism, rather than the other way around, are that (i) creationism came first; (ii) ID uses arguments from creationism; (iii) ID originated as a way of getting round the laws against teaching creationism.

You have never come up with anything to challenge the conclusion that ID is the pieces of creationism that do not explicitly reference God or the Bible.[2] Instead you keep accidentally confirming it.

I’ve read Kojonen’s thesis. He is not a serious thinker.

  1. I was, anyway. You kept trying to avoid talking about them. ↩︎

  2. DI claims obviously don’t qualify. ↩︎