I keep popping in to see if there is any admitted wavering on the part of the "peaceful’ scientists, who in considerable measure, at least from my vantage point, could be seen in total lockstep with the platitudes expressed in the Lancet, who “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife”.
None that I can see.
Although this “The Argument Clinic” thread has become so long it is hard to search specifically.
The FBI made national news nearly 4 months ago as the director endorsed the lab leak theory.
My search of ‘FBI’ here, indicates the last mention being in March '21.
In the last week (has it been missed by y’all) there are stories with subtitles such as “Confirmation of Wuhan scientists as “patients zero” makes the lab leak theory look likely—and the misinformation police look like fools”
I’m soliciting help from y’all in knowing how to continue to promote the lab leak as conspiracy and zoonotic origin as very close to a sure thing.