The Argument Clinic

Textual evidence from those “earliest hearers and readers,” please…


And some examples of their evidence?

Actually, most biblical scholarship doesn’t give these men or their writings a second thought. In all the years I studied the Bible, I never saw anyone rail against, argue against, or even mention any of these people or their writings. No teacher in graduate or undergraduate school mentioned any of them. And I was in a secular department where there were plenty of profs who did not like Christianity and would have been glad to hear arguments that it had no historical basis. Even in a historical course I took that was entirely devoted to Christian origins, taught by a Jewish classical historian who made very plain that he was not a Christian, and had every religious motive to argue that no person named Jesus ever existed, no hypothesis of solar religion was endorsed or even discussed. He thought Jesus was a real person.

The views you are talking about are treated by most religion scholars as of the quality of the views of von Daniken or Velikovsky. They are ignored. I realize this must be an ego-blow to you, since you seem to have spent a large part of your adult life studying these views and are convinced that they are wholly correct. But the fact is that scholarship regards these views as sub-scholarly and so does not invest time even in refuting them.

Once again, you are showing that you don’t have a clue what goes in Biblical scholarship in serious universities and colleges. Not surprising, since you never attended any such institutions.