The date of birth for a fictional character doesn’t really matter. What matters is that Jesus is one of many solar deities, not an historical person. Christians don’t have a verifiable birthdate for Jesus which seems odd since he’s supposedly the most famous and influential person in all of history! Even more odd (smirk) is the fact that Christians don’t have a day, month or even year for the crucifixion or resurrection of Jesus which Christian apologists routinely claim is the best attested event in all of history. Truth be known this “event” is not attested to by anyone. This claim clearly illustrates the desperation and dishonesty of Christian apologists. This is the group you have decided to join up with.
The earliest hearers and readers of the biblical texts knew the narratives were allegorical. It was the Christian Church that decided to mortalise Jesus. “When the conception of a purely spiritual Christ could no longer successfully be imported to the turbulent masses, who clamored for a political savior, it was found necessary or expedient to substitute the idea of a personal messiah… The swell of this tide carried the Church fathers to the limit of recasting the entire four gospels in terms of human biography.” - Alvin Boyd Kuhn.
It wasn’t until skepticism, deism, free inquiry forcibly removed Christianity’s death grip on the Western world that the truth about Christianity could be told in public. Two Frenchmen Depuis (1742-1809) and Volney (1757-1820) independently concluded that the Bible was a collection of solar myths and that Jesus Christ was a representation of the Sun God. William Drummond and Robert Taylor reached the same conclusion. Two Englishmen Godfrey Higgins (1772-1833) and Gerald Massey (1828-1907) were also engaged in similar work in the 19th Century, both concerned to show how the biblical religions originated in Egypt. Today biblical “scholarship” still tries to hand wave and pray the findings of these men away. More proof that prayer doesn’t work.