The Argument Clinic

Yes, because that’s me controlling my thoughts, a being who thinks independently of natural processes, which has a supernatural source of my reason, in God.

But reason produced it, much like I trust a reasoning being produces your posts. It is only when we see reason being claimed to come from non-reason that we cry halt! (as C.S. Lewis saId).

Yes, the validity of reason is a postulate, but we can see that reason coming from non-reason is invalid, just as a paragraph typed by monkeys would be a curiosity, but not to be taken seriously.

I’m not saying our reasoning is perfect, but it does need to come from a perfect Reason in order to be fundamentally trustworthy.

But a pathological fear of say, cats, might be a fitness benefit if cats became primary carriers of Covid. Evolution need not give true perceptions of reality.

This gets back to whether God is perfect Reason, and I believe he is. Whether God is perfectly loving (and I believe this also) is another topic.