The Current Status of Ewert's Dependency Graph of Life

Bashing strawmen is apparently DC’s favorite thing to do. It’s rapidly become his standard M.O. That and complaining how people are so mean and unfair to him.

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“Nature is all there is” is in no way equivalent to “science does not have all the answers,” but I’m pretty sure you know that.

Now you’re equivocating between scientists and scientism. Why?

Reread. I was not bashing top scientists, was I.

You never said anything about scientists. Only those who use science to deny God’s existence. You won’t find people like Paul Draper, Oppy, Sober, etc. say science has all the answers

Why are you concerning yourself with Twitter atheists? Since they are pretty much the only ones who say things like you say they do. I’m sure @MacDaddy69 who works at the post office isn’t too well versed in philosophy


The one I actually had in mind was a PhD molecular biologist. What do you know about pejoratives and peaceful science?

Well, make that more clear instead of making blanket statements . Are there scientists who say silly things regarding metaphysics? Yep. On both sides of the isle. Then you have some who are well versed in metaphysics and other areas of philosophy, like Sean Carroll. I just think you should concern yourself with the Paul Drapers and Sean Carrolls of the world and not the Lawerence Krauss’ and Stephen Hawkings of the world. Because the latter do not represent mainstream atheistic academic thought. Much like Ken Ham doesn’t represent Christian academic thought. For that read Swinburne, Howard-Snyder, Plantinga, etc.


What do you know about pejoratives and peaceful science?

I’m sorry, man. Not quite sure what you are asking.

I would agree.

Which leaves the question, what is nature?

Huh? What do you mean?

(That wasn’t the first time I asked.)

I’m still confused. I was making a joke about the people on Twitter who think they know everything.

It sure sounded like a put-down to me. “Just kidding!”

Well I’m sorry if it came off that way. But come on man, my made up twitter handle was @MacDaddy69. That should’ve gave it away haha

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I knew that how? :slightly_smiling_face: And I don’t do Twitter.

I am an atheist, but I don’t think that science has all the answers. Why else would I be a scientist who is trying to find the answers that science currently doesn’t have?

Also, I don’t make the claim that there is no God. I simply lack a positive belief that God does exist. I fully admit that I could be wrong and will welcome any evidence showing me to be wrong.


I suspect that you will actually find more christians who think that science can disprove God than atheists. There are many prominent creationist leaders who have emphatically stated that if evolution is true then the Bible is false and God does not exist.


“Lack of belief” atheism

//I’ve been an atheist for my entire life and I have got to say, these “lack of belief” people are extremely irritating. It’s part of the whole douche bag new atheist neckbeard culture.// - Paul Trevey

Here’s a good explanation of why it’s wrong… ca. timestamp 13:10:00 – “Lackheism”
nontheism, ca. 22:00
28:15 no burden of justification
31:55 hide the ball with the burden of justification