The Future of Peaceful Science

By acquired, I am not referring a business transaction. Rather, I mean it would ideal if another organization took responsibility for the gap we are filling. At the moment, the most likely organization to do this is BioLogos, but the likelihood is exceedingly unlikely. Another long shot is the American Scientific Affiliation, but also this is exceedingly unlikely.

It is unclear to me if and how to bring this to scale.

I’m glad to report this is false. Most obviously, you’ve forgotten about @Elle (congrats on becoming a BioLogos moderator!), @T.j_Runyon and @vjtorley . More importantly, there are several “lurkers” that are younger but listening in. I’m often getting emails from them. Also, this supports my speaking, and the vast majority of my speaking engagements are at the request of students less than 25. They have been particularly interested in a new way forward.

Peaceful Science is much more than merely a Forum, or even a Blog. Certain on-ramps will be better for some to visibly contribute. That is normal. We are not reducible to a single on-ramp. There are many younger people engaged. More will come.

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