The Massive Confusion On ID and Evolution

Why the asymmetry? Has Behe presented any design steps for anything?

How much of the literature have you consulted? Please list just 5 papers that you have covered in detail.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Eddie and Mercer

It was given all the time and thought it warranted. All you have done is blindly regurgitate Behe’s nonsensical demands and ignore all questions others have asked you. The only difference between you and Behe is you like to couch your evasions in hundreds of words of verbose self-righteous drivel.


It’s obvious Eddie doesn’t know anything about the evolutionary sciences under discussion. He’s just regurgitating what Behe wrote with no idea how to explain or defend it. Sadly Eddie also seems to think quantity of empty verbiage is a substitute for quality.


I think Eddie was hoping that there were only a few evolutionary papers. In fact, there are thousands, since flagella are important in pathogenesis.

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I also get a kick when layman like Eddie start lecturing on THE flagellum, not knowing there are three different and distinct types with dozens of variations in each type. I guess science will have to provide a detailed step-wise biochemical pathway for each and every one to satisfy Mr. Robinson. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s enough. Comments closed. Give it rest for tonight, and I will reopen them in the morning.

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