Is what we are observing explainable by random change? Is what we are observing explainable by a mind that is as powerful as most sophisticated mind the exists today?
If you wanted to create a living organism with different chemicals then DNA where should you start?
Almost every claim has a counter claim. I don’t agree the reasoning is circular as you are simply comparing two pieces of evidence, Isaiah 53 and Acts 8 which were generated at two different times hundreds of years apart and they match. Again any single piece of evidence can be countered with a hypothetical. The total evidentiary picture is what is convincing.
The whole picture of Isaiah is about judgement and hope. The hope is the Messiah. These arguments are cherry picking and do not make sense if you have a complete understanding of the book of Isaiah.
Again this is more cherry picking. The text says that Messiah will be cut off in the first century. If taken in context the prophecy of Isaiah was available to Daniel the only reasonable explanation is that it is a very compelling prophecy of Jesus.
If it was the only evidence then yes we would not have 2 billion Christians today.
We are not in a court of law. We are evaluating documented evidence. Why as the closest disciple to Jesus would he make this claim if he had not witnessed it? How did Paul know that Jesus rose from the dead if the people he got this from had not witnessed it.
You have found the possibility of truth in all these arguments. When is enough evidence enough? What convinces you that Christianity is true?