She doesn’t mention Hawkings at all. And she is not out of touch with the culture wars. She is constantly talking to Biologos funders, as a good 501C CEO should be doing. Also, please don’t mistake for my “public moral outrage” at Deb Haarsma with me being personally offended. I have never met Deb but I am certain that if I ever do, I would like her as a person. You know from academia, that we could argue vigorously on the pettiest of things and then say “time for lunch, I’ll buy”
Actually I take maintaining the separation of church and state very seriously. This constantly moving line is where ideologies clash.
I would like to pose a question for you. Take what you know of the Dover Trial. Move it to 2018 and substitute TE for ID. Assume Biologos convinced a local school board to teach TE in biology class. Let Dr. Venema (who I respect very much) teach the class. What do you think the outcome would be? a) TE is creationism masking as religion which can’t be taught in public schools or b) TE is identical to everything we know and will know about scientific evolution theory (as taught by Venema) so it is perfectly reasonable to teach it in public school if the people through their local school board wants it.
That would never happen, but if it did the outcome would be very bad. Scientists would hate BioLogos about as much as they hate ID right now.
I don’t know any credible person in BioLogos or PeacefulScience who would ever want TE, ID or any other religious instruction taught in school.
It’s one thing to take things seriously… it’s another thing to suspect that the avowed goals for keeping Church and State separate can’t be taken seriously.
You are totally correct.
Though sometimes don’t you have a similar proclivity to see YEC beliefs in every new person you meet?
Only when they start bragging about being an Old Earther … and then they start hammering on Evolution as a fraudulent science.
I have been right 2 out of 3 times – they were YEC’s hiding under a veil of “old dirt”.