The ribosome is a ribozyme? Yes and No


@Mercer asked @Eddie:

Has your hero Meyer ever addressed the fact, published 20 years ago, that the ribosome is a ribozyme? That this was predicted by the RNA World hypothesis? Why did he deny this empirical fact in his book, which has a chapter allegedly devoted to the RNA World hypothesis, if there’s any ID post hoc explanation of it?

@pnelson replied:

It’s not a ribozyme. The PTC is RNA, but the whole structure is RNA plus a LOT of proteins.

The further mention of the conversation of Church, Venter, and Shapiro doesn’t correct this erroneous assertion, and neither does the additional detail about the workings of ribosomes. And none of this answer’s @Mercer‘s question.

No matter - I think we are coming around to agreement on this. If someone can help Meyer update his book(s), that may be a good thing.

You certainly know how get a lot of mileage out of those metaphors .

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I don’t see where you said that. You made vague statements about what works.

I don’t see the word “translation” in that sentence. Do you? Isn’t peptidyl transferase the very center of translation?

What’s your design explanation for it being a ribozyme again? I must of missed that.

What’s missing from your entire career as an “ID theorist”? A single testable hypothesis.

You’re too old to haul those goalposts around like that.

Updating the book for accuracy would be silly without any ID explanation for the fact that peptidyl transferase is a ribozyme.

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