This should be the last word

The essay was very misleading about that.

Even clicking through to the source, there’s nothing that Garry wrote that disagrees with what Art wrote. Garry didn’t state a time, so claiming he disagrees with Art about that is utterly false. He didn’t write about “a single graduate student at an institution such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Art and I know a whole lot about how long things take to do in the lab and you obviously don’t.

Did you make this highly misleading claim on the basis of ignorance, dishonesty, or both? Since you’re pretending that Garry disagrees with Art and agrees with you, why is he an author of the Science paper titled simply, The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic?

It appears that you are hiding the fact that Dr. Garry is in complete disagreement with you about the big picture. How can you then cite him in support of your conspiracy-mongering without noting this much larger disagreement?

Don’t forget what you wrote:

How many points have you avoided in this thread alone? As just one example, when are you going to address the data in Figs. 1 and 2 of the review Art cited?