That is the main thing. Thank you.
We do see eye to eye on the fact that I am not EC, and that we are taking very different orientations to the dynamic between science and faith. Why would you think otherwise? I am about as far from BioLogos as I am from DI in my orientation. Didn’t you know?
I don’t see this as remotely plausible. We are just doing diametrically opposed things. I don’t see much commonality at all. What commonality do you see that isn’t merely superficial? Perhaps you are just focusing on “what” we believe? (except we believe totally different things) Or “why” we believe? (except we have different epistemologies). Or what we are trying to accomplish? (except we are trying to accomplish different things). So how are we similar again?
Take for a moment this article just published by Jim. Do you understand how and I why i disagree with essentially every main point that Jim Stump makes here? If you don’t see why, perhaps you just don’t know my positions. I take a very different approach, with a different “orientation” than BioLogos.
The difference here is that we are not talking about fractiousness, but the opposite. BioLogos has a monopoly. There are not 20 other competitors our there, just them. The differences were so great between the monopoly and myself, that I had to part ways. We just have very different goals, values, orientations, beliefs, etc. etc. There is very little in common.
I wonder if the real issue here is that you just don’t know where I am coming from. However, we have been in conversation for a while. I’m honestly not sure where the gap is.
One point of clarification, I think that EC is one example of CASE, so it isn’t EC vs. CASE. Rather, my point is that we need more ways of engaging with evolutionary science than merely the BioLogos way. They have had there go at it, and done some good. Not everyone can engage with science the way they do. I certainly cannot. The good news is they are not the gatekeepers. CASE is much bigger than EC. So let EC be its thing, but let’s encourage new types of CASE.
What is so bad about that?