Torley on The Resurrection: Take Two

Hello Joshua:

Thank you for clarifying your position on “weak arguments”… I suppose then, the issue is the trustworthiness [and reliability] of John’s narrative in 19:34-42.

So are the Gospels trustworthy?

  1. Did eyewitnesses (anonymous but presumably the Beloved Disciple) literally see water coming out of Jesus’s side? If yes, how do they/he know that it was literally water? This topic is extensively discussed in my text.
  2. Did the eyewitnesses (anonymous but presumably the Beloved Disciple) literally confirm that a bone of Jesus was not broken? If so, HOW? This topic is extensively discussed in my text.
  3. Did Nicodemus literally buy approximately one hundred pounds of spices? If so, when, where, and from whom? This topic is extensively discussed in my text.
  4. Do you believe that Jesus was literally buried in a garden? Please note that this information does not appear in Mark, John, Luke, (or Paul)? This topic is extensively discussed in my text.

So then, are the Gospel’s presumed factoids trustworthy, reliable, and historical accurate?

A heads up, next week, I will be out of town [Emory-Pitts Theological Seminary, Columbia Theological, AUC Libraries, and elsewhere] for about six days and my time will be extremely limited. If possible, I will try to access Peaceful Science and interacted with the contributors. If not, I hope that everyone has a good week.

And Joshua, have a good and safe weekend,
