Were the Ancients Aware of a Globe? (plus a little child psychology thrown in for fun)


I dont believe in Original sin.
I dont believe that Jesus was God.

So, then by your own definition above, you don’t believe in the bible…? I am not making a judgment, just trying to understand why you would argue for biblical concepts of morality and Jesus performing miracles if you don’t believe scripture is infallible. I get lost when people start playing both sides…

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I am a theist … but not because of what the Bible writes. My position, admittedly surprising to most folks, should be a little less “confusing” than the pro-GAE positions that atheists here embrace.

Fair enough. Thank you for the clarification. What is confusing is using bible references in your arguments when you don’t believe them to be true…or some true some not…it is contradictory and confusing to me. I won’t try to convince you one way or the other, you be you.


Well, firstly, I don’t usually go out of my way to point out I am a Unitarian Universalist… because I think that is a distraction. And you response is proof of that.

Secondly, I don’t think a person needs to believe Jesus is God for a person to PROMOTE the GAE scenarios.

Thirdly, back when I was VERY active with BioLogos, I frequently tried to disprove Original Sin as a way to promote an adoption of Evolutionary principles; there are millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians who have had amazing Christian lives - - and they don’t accept the idea of Original Sin.
But when Joshua started explaining the GAE scenarios, I could immediately see that GAE scenarios were helpful whether you accepted Original Sin or not. So that is actually an improvement that makes
for LESS confusion. We no longer have to reject Original Sin for evolutionary processes to make sense to a person - - my discussions with Trinitarians are now much less contentious!