What I would ask Tour

The better question is when weren’t they talking past each other :slight_smile:

What do think of Daves over the top ad hominem approach?

I’m pleased to seize on this rare opportunity to say that I completely agree with Art here. :slight_smile:

And I’m pleased that Rumraket concurs.

Question 1: Where is the “specified information” you refer to specified? Why are you using concepts from ‘Intelligent Design’?

Question 2: Why are you quoting opinions instead of citing the evidence those opinions are based on?

Question 3: Why are you shouting so much? Do you think shouting something makes it more believable?


The only thing I’ve seen from Tour is the first few minutes of a discussion between him and Swamidass, in which Tour very quickly began shouting and interrupting Josh without making any substantive points. Sounds like he hasn’t changed…

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If Tour’s introductory remarks are to be believed, this is how he interacts with his students.

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Any updates about this piece?

I don’t know why my new post is not up yet. I submitted it Friday night and got the usual automated message saying it would have to be reviewed by the moderators before being published. It’s now Monday night and still no sign of it. Odd, because this discussion here was probably submitted after mine, and went up very quickly. Why mine was pushed to the back of the queue, whereas yours went straight up, I can’t say, unless you have “pull” and can get yours put up without delay for moderation.


Based on the discussion on this page, I expect that people here will have no problem with what I wrote. It may even seem somewhat redundant now, but at the time I wrote it I did not know that this current discussion was coming up.

Apropos of the shuffling of messages in other threads, and to very belatedly answer @Eddie’s question: I have no pull. I try to make every thread I start a “Side Conversation”, as these do not (to the best of my understanding) require moderator management.

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