What if Evolution is Compatible with Design After All?

I’m afraid that God offers no explanation for why things are as they are rather than something else, since God, being omnipotent, could as easily have produced that something else or any something else. We have no clue as to the nature or probability distributions of things God might have done. Thus God explains anythiung equally well and equally poorly. Nothing can be said to be either more or less likely given God. On the other hand, we have no way, given current physics, to say whether the universe could have been different, so can’t say that the current universe is of high or low probability. We currently can have no explanation for why the universe is as it is. We can’t even say whether it’s a meaningful question. And God is of no help there.

Then again, given a universe with physics the way it is, and given life, evolution going somewhere interesting is hardly surprising.

This is a term that needs to be explained before any progress can be made: what does it mean for evolutioin and design to be compatible? More importantly, what do you mean? Behe and Denton both advocate a sort of compatibility. Is yours different?

I will allow that you may think so, but I was unable to find it expressed clearly.

What is at least some of this evidence? What is the sort of ordering you’re talking about?

What I see is more like a menu of allusions to claims that somebody might make rather than any claims themselves. Is there anything you would like to own?