What is "Hypernaturalism"?

Absolutely! (In spirit if not in coin, being the retired old man that I am. :slightly_smiling_face:)

Sorry to confuse things. ‘Hypernatural’ has actually been mentioned here a number of times, admittedly primarily by me. It ‘just’ (not as if it were any mean thing!) refers to God’s providential actions where he has not broken any natural laws. The unbelieving world would call them coincidences, but in series and groupings imparting meaning, they are anything but. You dealt with it nicely in here: Welcome to Terrell Clemmons: Questions on Methodological Naturalism:

There is a difference between a set of circumstances that is improbable, and a set of circumstances that is improbable and also performs a function.

That nicely describes one mode of God’s providence (the hypernatural :woozy_face:), and I would suggest that it is maybe his primary M.O. with regard to our lives’ circumstances as his children.