Let me correct that quote for you George:

3. The only thing that people are objecting to is your apparent demands that we classify GAE, and other miracles, as “science”.
That was the third of ten points I made (I apologise for having two "8"s). That you were “waiting” for this comment specifically, rather than addressing my post generally, means that you were seeking a “gotcha” moment, rather than attempting to converse in good faith.

Find ANY post of mine where i described miracles or theology as “science”!
Please note that I only said “apparently”. Your posts so frequently lack any conciseness or coherence that it is generally difficult to understand what you are demanding.
Here is an example:
My concern about the noticeable hegemony of atheists over the tone and content of PS.org is that the average Christian Evolutionist visitor has concluded (and will conclude) that there is LITTLE “Peaceful” tolerance of blending “threshhold miracles” (e.g., virgin birth and/or resurrection from the cross, Adam/Eve’s origins) with evolutionary science - - but
in fact visitors find a strong bias against any attempt to allow for a divine motivation for conventional evolutionary interpretations.
When you talked about “blending” miracles “with evolutionary science”, without any acknowledgement that the resultant blend is no longer science, you gave every impression that you want to blend miracles into science.
This implication is further increased because NOBODY is objecting to blending science into theology. We all do it all the time, e.g. whenever we argue the scientific implications of YEC claims. So if you were not objecting to refusal to blend miracles into science, you were objecting to something that did not exist.
This implication is further increased by the shear number of times you have juxtaposed “miracles” with “science”.
Your near total inability to express yourself with clarity makes communication with you nearly impossible George.