Why are We Disagreeing with ID?

so what do you think is the rate of a new biological function? one in a million mutations? something similar to that? one in how many births we can get a new anatomical trait in a direction of a new organ? do you agree for instance that a rate of one in 1000 births to get a new anatomical trait is generous?

the problem is that we know that function A is very different from function B in both sequence and structure. thus we do need to change 333333333 to 777777777.

they need to be near each other in order to evolve from each other in small steps. but its clearly not the case with complex biological system. you cant change a non-motion system into a motion system by small steps. and you cant get a motion system from a random sequence either. so in any case a motion system is isolated in sequence space. and its true for many other biological systems.

do you agree with me that a watch which is made of organic components is still a watch?