Why William Lane Craig Interprets Genesis Non-Literally

My main objection to a figurative interpretation of Genesis 1-3 is not addressed. Jesus is the antithesis of Adam, which is clear in the writings of Paul. Through one man we have death and through another we have life. If Adam and the Garden were figurative, why could not have Jesus suffering been figurative as well?

I feel there is no conflict if Genesis 1, 2 and 3 are taken sequential, which I have argued is more consistent with the rest of scripture. This eliminates the conflicts in the creation sequence and the clear gaps (no sea life created in the Garden creation). Reference “Larkin’s take on Adam

In addition, I feel that the Garden creation is clearly a local creation. This approach for a local creation is actually being taught in classes at Dallas Theological Seminary (free online classes are available at DTS to anyone who is interested at DTS.edu).