Winston Ewert: The Dependency Graph of Life

Thank you for coming @Winston_Ewert. I’ve long been asking @pnelson for models just like yours and @Agauger’s, that recognizable to me as a computational biologist. I meant it not as a taunt, but as a genuine invitation. I’m looking forward to the conversation and expect also to learn through it too.

Great. I endorse that fully. Let me lay down some ground rules for everyone.

  1. We also will have a zero-tolerance policy towards insults directed at you.

  2. Everyone watching this thread, be very cautious on entering this thread. If you do not treat @Winston_Ewert with basic respect, your posts will be deleted. Repeated infractions will get you booted.

  3. @Winston_Ewert if you see any posts that are a problem, please do not leave immediately. Instead, flag them as inappropriate, and let me (or the @moderators) lay down the law. You, however, do not need to engage with anyone rude to you at all. We will prevent this thread from being graffitied by trolls.

  4. If this becomes an ongoing issue, I will move this thread to a protected place where others can watch, but only designated people can contribute.

And everyone watching, if you do not have sensible and nice things to say, just stay out of this thread. If you can’t be kind, you are not welcome to interact with us on this thread. If on the other hand you have legitimate questions or critiques, you should feel free to put a note here. This is an open forum, but it only works when we are kind to one another.

Speaking of which, I apologize ahead of time for the mistakes I make here. When I make them, I will be apologize and make it right to the best of my ability. My goal @Winston_Ewert is to treat you fairly. Thank you for giving us a chance to think about this together with you.