WSJ: Why Atheists Need Faith

And the only way minds can create anything is by evolving towards a solution.
I’ve written about this in a previous discussion on this forum. “Mind” is really just another learning algorithm highly similar to evolution. Ironically intelligent design is just a special implementation of evolution.

That’s because, if you think about it, design is actually an implementation of evolution. When you try to imagine designing something by reason, what is it that really occurs in your head? Suppose you are to build a load-bearing structure of some sort. What thoughts do you have? Well you sort of imagine how different structures behave when subject to the imagined forces they have to withstand. You think about where to put one thing in relation to another thing so as to support and strengthen each other, because you have a sort of intuitive simulation running about how that structure would behave under those conditions. In your head, you are “testing” the structure in the environment given your intuitive understanding of the laws of physics.

You are literally designing by implementing evolution in your head. Your knowledge of the behavior of physics and building materials comes from previous learning and copying. It was learned by trial and error, and/or was copied from someone else. That was inheritance. And now you implement the inherited information in a simulated environment in your head to see if you can intuit the performance of the structure. You’re evolving the design in your head. The “knowing” how something behaves under physics is really just memory. Inheritance. The faithful copying and passing on of previous successful experiences.

Then at some point your simulated design has to come into contact with the real world, and then another round of iterative trial and error has to occur, to see where the physics of the real world deviate from your simulated reality.

The false contrast between intelligent design and evolution is one of life’s great ironies.