If so, it’s very, very slowly. See this thread where @John_Harshman patiently dissected some RTB mountebankery and has been waiting for some kind of response. Thinking About Evolution...and Progressive Creation
I don’t know how old you are or how long you’ve been watching this stuff, but I have been here seeing it pass my window for decades. It doesn’t change. It doesn’t get better. And any explanation that tries to account for it by anything other than rank dishonesty and a desire to grub cash out of the gullible ultimately fails. Parsimony will serve a person well here. Remember, too: the “con” in “con man” stands for “confidence,” and the whole thing is founded on building the mark’s confidence; the principal skill of the con man, to which even those who don’t fall for the scheme itself are susceptible, is building confidence in others. False sincerity is the essence of their game; don’t let them get you.