I predominantly attend Churches of Christ. I was not really raised Christian though it was on and off with my mother through various baptist like nondenominational congregations and Methodists. I grew up on lots of acres in the woods and have always been interested in nature. I was never YEC but that’s mostly because I was never big into evolution until I was into botany and natural history. I believed in evolution most of my life, but never really learned much about it until a few years back.
As I got more into nature and science I did not really have a major confrontation with the issues of theology because prior to even actively trying to harmonize it, I already was fairly convinced genesis was not literal history but was a combination of mythological hyperbolic writings and potentially actual people and history mixed in. So it was not hard for me to harmonize science and scripture because I was already passively doing it.
I really enjoy evolutionary ecology and natural history with a focus on southeastern USA. I really care about nature , both plants and animals, and get out hiking around 20 hours a week in winter and 35+ in summer.
I also really enjoy studying theology. BioLogos podcasts and forums have been a decent resource for me in the last year or so. I really enjoy NT Wright, Douglas Jacoby, Edward Fudge, Kip McKean, Tim Mackie , Chris Date (rethinking hell) and am looking forward to digging into the world by Swamidass.
Outside of science and faith I am a big horror nerd. I spend probably 1-2 hours 4+ days a week listening to horror podcasts, and probably watch at least one horror movie a week. It’s my go to form of entertainment.
I’m happily engaged.