A Better Way to Reject Common Descent

Regulatory gene networks acting like printed circuit boards in processing inputs and redirecting outcomes PRETTY THOROUGHLY REFUTES the notion that they were somehow accidentally, and not puposefully, so assembled. Information is required to be built into them for viable, adaptive outcomes. But, they do have to be built on the backbone of what may be referred to as “common descent.” One does not negate the other.

What do you think of evolution as a tool of God’s creative work? That could also be a subset of ID.

Sorry, Joe, but I’m sure you are aware of the weakness of that argument. For every Denton or Sermonti, there are literally hundreds of “real geneticists” that would disagree.


It doesn’t matter if they disagree. It matters what they have evidence for. And they do NOT have evidence that genomes determine form.

Let me take a minute to check that what it sounds like you have been saying is actually are saying.

Are you suggesting that although expression of genomes is a major determinant of form, that form is simply more complicated? If so, what else do you think determines adds to genome expression? If not, there is a tremendous amount of evidence that genome expression determines form. I just don’t know what direction to go in.

No, I am saying that gene expression does not determine form. It influences and controls development.

What is this evidence that gene expression determines form? Jonathan Wells is a developmental biologist who has written on this. The evidence you speak of must be very recent.

You are defining “form” as something different from phenotype. How would you distinguish “form” from “phenotype”?

Since he keeps referring to Denton, I’m assuming he’s referring to form as understood by the process structuralists. @cwhenderson

That’s something I’ll need to read up on, then.

Basically, to a structuralist form is built into the laws of physics. If you replayed life’s tape you would get the same result. That’s the only thing I can think of that Joe may be talking about. Because obviously genotype dictates phenotype. @cwhenderson


Let’s say you are exactly right … how does this change the context of God-guided speciation by a blend of natural and supernatural means?

How am I referring to form as something other than phenotype? What is the evidence that gene expression determines form? How does gene expression account for different muscle attachment points?

What is the evidence thatgenotype determines phenotype?

I quoted Denton. Read the quoteI am no longer allowed to reply this forum is lame bye

First tell us why such a distinction affects the assessment of Old Earth and God led natural processes in any way?

All the experiments that have been done where the genotype is changed and a change in phenotype follows…

That doesn’t help ypu

Sigh. I’m done conversing with you.