A Better Way to Reject Common Descent

I am not very bothered about what people assume about me, unless they are close friends or relatives.

Besides, no one knows who Ken ham is where I live.

There are two (at least two) different senses in the ways that people use “creationist”. In one sense, all Christians should be creationists. And probably all deists should be creationists. In the other sense “creationist” is more restrictive and applies primarily to YECs and ID proponents, but could also apply to other Christians depending on how they read Genesis.

I take it that @Ashwin_s is asking you to identify as a creationist in the first (and broader) sense but not in the second (and narrower) sense.


At BioLogos, some call themselves Evolutionary Creationists.

But they certainly don’t call themselves Creationists.


Yes, that seems to be what he wants of me… but I see him cooperating NIL on fashioning a term that I would offer in exchange! - - a term that would mean Creationist-who-Rejects-Evolution…

since he wants me to use the term “Creationist” in a more ambiguous or generic way.

Perhaps Ashwin’s native language is not English… ?

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