A Peaceful Philosophy / Theory of Communication?

I’ve never been a fan of this type of postmodernism. I see no utility in saying that everyone is wrong and no truth exists. The Earth is either flat or round (or maybe some other shape, but you get the drift). The Earth is either young or old. Even with biases, we can still arrive at an accurate picture of how the universe works by relying on objective reasoning and logic. One good example is hearing flat earthers claiming that we should be flung off the globe if it is spinning around at 1,000 miles per hour. Have they ever done the math? If they did, they would find that the centrifugal force is a tiny fraction of the force pushing us down into the Earth (otherwise known as gravity). Why won’t they do the math? Why do they keep the obviously false claim going? These are not equal positions.

Those who lack reasoning, logic, and evidence are all too often those who seek a false equivalence between their beliefs and those that are backed by reasoning, logic, and evidence. That’s the trick they are trying to play, and I don’t think we should play along.