I said E was MY preference. See my quote of his wording for my definition of “E” below!
Is it yours as well, @Ashwin_s?
I said E was MY preference. See my quote of his wording for my definition of “E” below!
Is it yours as well, @Ashwin_s?
In this interpretation, E makes the most sense.
So you believe in s global flood ? Because that’s the pivot point on this analysis.
I am open to both interpretations… I usually take time to understand positions before committing to any specific one. I am yet to commit on both the issue of a global flood as well as the nephilim.
Well… the flood requires accommodating the real world of geology.
That trumps obscure references in the bible that can go either way.
Ya well, the understanding of the real world of geology can change… There are nuances to this discussion. For example in this forum, on important point would be whether the flood was global for humanity… i.e did it wipe off all modern humans except Noah and family.
A more fundamental question is “does the text really say the flood was global?” Shem, Ham and Japheth saw it that way certainly, but what does the larger picture of the text say?
Isn’t that my point?
Here you have 2 different choices. Either the scribes were wrong about the Nephilim … or they were wrong about the global flood.
The latter seems the more likely since a regional flood is more consistent with global geology!
Any serious discussion of Genealogic Adam must include the many gene insertion into human genome by the fallen angels who took on human bodies and procreated with Adam’s descendants.Their relations produced superhuman population called the Nephilim. Gen 6:4
See the OP here. We’ve been talking about this for a while.
Thanks. It seems the origins of the Nephilm has been unclear on this Op to say the least…