See this 7th Day Adventist review of the GAE. Adventists are usually YEC, and this is review is extremely positive.
While The Genealogical Adam and Eve presents some interesting ideas for those interested in this seemingly eternal debate, the author is most interested in making some space for theology that has been taken away by science over the years, and in breaking the impasse in the discussion that has developed, the impasse between the literal creation and evolutionary creation camps. This, to me, is the most striking outcome of this book: I have thought that there was certainly an impasse in the debate. It now seems that there may be more room for discussion. While the writing style of this book may not hold you on the edge of your chair (it was quite repetitive and overly methodical in style), the ideas presented do cause one to pause for thought. This book is a unique contribution to the topic of origins, particularly as it is likely to pique interest on both sides of the aisle, whether traditional or progressive in view.