An Atheists' Thanksgiving Grace

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Atheists pray? Well, with religious naturalism, maybe they do!

They make jokes about prayer.

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At my house, the obligatory childish Catholic “bless us oh Lord for the gifts we about to receive” has been replaced with nice words thanking my wife for making a great meal and to feeling fortunate to be all together for a holiday. Not really a prayer but an acknowledgement of our need for each other and our gratitude for being here for another Thanksgiving.

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How about you cook a turkey this year? It is pretty fun.y wife finds it to be a very profound expression of thankfulness to her. :turkey:

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oh no, that will completely destroy the family. The ramifications will be felt for decades to come. :rofl:

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I will offer a prayer when I think is is appropriate to do so. For example, at a funeral I might offer a prayer out of respect for the beliefs of the deceased. It’s not my beliefs that matter in that setting. I can’t speak for all atheists, but I’ve offered that comment in the community where I moderate, and not gotten any objection.

The efficacy of agnostic prayer is not a topic I will attempt to address today. :wink:


I don’t equate saying kind words or eulogizing a deceased friend or loved one a prayer.

Neither do I. What I mean is a offering a thought for God, mustering whatever level of belief is available to this agnostic. I do not expect any result from this, other than a quiet moment of meditation (often made difficult by someone droning on at the front of the room), but again - I’m not doing it for myself.

I honestly try. Not often, but when I do I try to do so sincerely. If anyone wishes to say I’m doing a crappy job of praying then I accept the criticism. I have no evidence either way, so I go with my feeling on the matter.

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I see nothing wrong in an “appeal to the gods” once in a while. Usually out of frustration. But then logic, and reason kick in and I assess the situation that I find myself in. I certainly don’t like the situation but I use reasoning and human empathy to do the right thing.

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Thank God for reason and logic!!! :rofl:


Yes, and I thank the Sun for the sunshine, (and an occasional skin cancer). :rofl:


Sometimes I tell people I’m agnostic because I can’t be bothered to learn new swear-words. :wink: