An Interview with Confessing Scientists

Depends on the quality of the textbook. I affirm evolutionary science as it is understood by scientists in the field, and is being published on all the time. Many textbooks are very out of date, and leave out the mathematical theory of evolution: The Neutral Theory of Evolution. This is very unfortunate, because the mathematical theory made sense of it for me, but I only first heard of it in college, far to late.

That being said, I am going to largely agree with most textbooks as a partial account of the story. Largely correct, but part of the story.

In science, there should really be no difference. Any disagreements we have will come down to subtle differences in our read of the literature. Though I am probably more attuned to avoid overstating the findings of science, and I am happy to acknowledge when we do not know yet. That is what good scientists do any ways, so it is not something specific to my faith.

Outside of science, however, as a whole person making sense of the world, there may be big differences. I do not think anything science tells us is the whole story. For example, nothing in evolution tells us that murder is wrong, or that injustice is real, or that racism is evil. Yet these things are so central to the fundamental question: what does mean to be human? Science might tell us part of the story, but is obviously not the whole story.

You can read that here: Common Descent: Humans and Chimps / Mice and Rats and…

Common descent is the most stable definition of “evolution.” Outside science, i understand it as the process by which God created everything, including us.

About 4.5 billion years olds, just as it appears to be and modern science claims.

Cosmic evolution is the process by which God created the universe, including light and matter, stars, galaxies and planets. I do not think it helps to start with this with YECs. Though the evidence is strong, like most things in science, it is not rhetorically strong. Other things are at play.

I’ve seen no good scientific argument against the belief that God created everything. Science is silent on God. Anyone who says different does not know what science is, or is not being honest with you.

The best arguments against God? I suppose things like suffering in the world, the fantastical absurdity we find in scientific YEC sometimes, and brokenness of the world. That being said, I encountered Jesus, and he makes sense of these things. He is the reason I believe God exists, and that a Good God created the world. Jesus, it seems to me, makes sense of it all to me.

It is weak evidence, and certainly not sufficient. If you look at my links on evidence for evolution, you will see that natural selection does not even come up. There is much much stronger evidence.

Complex question. There is a general distrust of authority, including science. That is all true, but I know well trained scientists that are YECs too. How do we explain that? Well, first off, I think they are wrong in their interpretation of Scripture and of science. However, I can give an account of why they take such a surprising path. In the best examples, I think they encountered Jesus, and they know He is real. That reordered everything, and they came to trust in Him and believed obedience meant YEC for them. I write about Kurt Wise here, and hope it helps make sense of them:

The evidence for evolution has been equivocal till recently. Until maybe the last 20 years, there were no public scientists that affirmed evolution who were also orthodox Christians. People like me did not exist in public until very recently. Give it a decade or two, and there be many more like myself. There already is Francis Collins (read his book:, and @sygarte, @cwhenderson, @AndyWalsh, and others. Confessing scientists are rising.

Hope that answers your questions @Wenlok. Thanks for joining us, and I hope you stick around. More questions welcome too.