Are the Gospels Reliable?

There is no good parallel to the Gospel accounts in other religions, nor is there a good parallel to Jesus.

In the last several decades, there have been biographies (not autobiographies) written by different people of figures such as Abraham Lincoln. These people are not eye witnesses to him, but they often compile together and narrate eye witness accounts into a trustworthy account of the historical figure. Perhaps errors were made in these biographies, but usually these are honest errors, made in good faith. We would say that these biographies are “reliable” and written in “good faith” even if they have errors, even though they are not compiled in the end by firsthand eye witness.

@Faizal_Ali consider reading the Gospels as reliable and good faith accounts of what real people thought at that time about Jesus. You can even hold that they may well be misguided and wrong about important facts, such as miracles and so on. Consider reading their account and hearing their story out. Maybe you might see more of what I mean when I say that Jesus is different.

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