Arguments vs. Evidence in the Creation Debate

You implied so here:

By your own admission, arguments and evidence cannot be compared. One is a subset of another. It is nonsensical to say that “there is so much evidence that there is no need to make an argument to prove X”. Given that each piece of evidence E is part of an argument A (that presumably proves X), the statement is self-contradictory.

If your point is that both sides need to agree on the data before arguing for their respective positions, then I support you there. In contrast, “evidence” is a term with non-neutral connotations that begs the question against one’s own side, because as you said, it is always a component of an argument for something. Thus, it’s not always productive to deploy it in a contentious debate like this.

I’m talking about the context of the thread: What Are Your Favorite Arguments For Evolution?. I’m not talking about what Behe said. Or are you accusing @J.E.S of being dishonest?