Arthur Hunt and Stephen Meyer here

As I said watching the video is completely up to you. I offered this as example of an exchange between an atheist evolutionary biologist and an advocate of ID and I felt that Hunt came off badly. You might think differently but unless you watch it we will never know.

Good for him. I am sure he feels free and alive and is wondering why he took so long to come to this realization.

That is impressive watching 150 minutes of video in 45. I salute you sir. By the way you have not answered my question - do Christians or ID advocates ever win their debates?

Why won’t you support any of the claims you are making?

Dr. Hunt did very well. He destroys all of Meyer’s arguments. Good job Dr. Hunt!

Question for Dr. Hunt - Why do you waste your time with reviewing ID books? Don’t you think that it is well beneath you as a real practicing scientist with real accomplishments in science?

You seem to have lost your ability to even post ‘internet’ English. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I watched the entire 61 minute video. Regarding your question, I am not aware of any debate where a Christian or an ID advocate has ever won a debate against Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Krause, Carroll, or Barker.

Curtis is there something wrong with you? You are perfectly at liberty not to watch the video. I have explained myself multiple times and I am not going to spent hours detailing what was said during the exchange. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU WATCH IT OR NOT. You are just annoyed that people have a different opinion to your own. Sad.

Not my question. Has a Christian or an ID advocate every won a debate in your opinion?

It is a waste of your time to watch this video. You can talk to Dr. Hunt directly to get his opinion of Meyer’s book.

“You can talk to Dr. Hunt directly to get his opinion of Meyer’s book” Why not watch Hunt’s opinion against opposition are you like poor old Curtis afraid of any argument that could penetrate your little intellectual bubbles.

" watched the entire 61 minute video" In a little over 40 minutes I am impressed.

Why not get Dr. Hunt’s opinion now. Paging Dr. @art Hunt - what is your opinion of Meyer’s book? How about a rating against “The Selfish Gene” ?

Why is Hunt’s opinion of SiTC so important. It is a reason rebuttal that is important and Hunt failed here.

Bull. SiTC is nonsense, non science garbage.

“Bull. SiTC is nonsense, non science garbage”. Hunt was unable to argue to that conclusion here. You still have not answered my question - has a Christian or an advocate of ID ever won a debate?

Yes, I answered your question 21 minutes ago:

Other than wanting you to support your assertions, I can’t think of anything else that is “wrong with me”.

Actually, no, you have not explained anything. You haven’t explained why Hunt was outmatched. You haven’t explained why Matheson is now an atheist. You haven’t explained why you think the typical biologist is vain and narrow-minded. You haven’t even explained why you posted the video even though you find nothing compelling in it.

I haven’t stated my opinion, why do you assume to know what it is?

I’m not annoyed with Meyer. I agree with him on a lot. I am annoyed by your unwarranted hostility.

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Again my question was has a Christian or ID advocate ever won a debate in your opinion? I am not just talking about the names you mentioned. For example has William Lane Craig ever won a debate against anyone? Has John Lennox?

I don’t know (nor care) who Craig or Lennox has debated in their long careers.