This is not silly. It fits with the latest discovery of an ancient Man in present day Romania who has a genome with large sections of Neanderthal genes such that one of his great great great grandfathers was Neanderthal. Definitive proof of admixture 40,000 years ago.
This science fits well with a story my grandmother told me when I was a boy about her great grandmother. She told me that her great grandmother got “in trouble” by wandering alone one day and meeting a boy from a different family. She didn’t tell her parents about the short rendezvous in the woods and never saw the boy again. But she had a daughter that was very different from her family in looks. She and my great great grandmother had a very difficult time for the rest of their lives.
At first I considered this a family story or myth or legend. But now with what is being found by ancient DNA and with what is being said about Genealogy, I can make the science and my family story fit.
Am I not free to believe that my GA is Neanderthal and my GE is sapian? Science can’t prove me wrong. And I honor my grandmother by elevating her story to highest level of family truth. That’s not silly, it is my sincerely held beliefs about the truthfulness of my grandmother who would never lie to me.